

Effective 2015/Aug/14
Revised 2023/Apr/05
Copyright © The Prestressed Group 2023


The purpose of this document is to inform PSI Main Office employees, contractors and visitors of the actions to be taken in the event of an emergency. It contains evacuation instructions and provides specific procedures to be followed in the event of fire, medical emergencies and bomb threats. Also included is a section providing a phone listing for a number of services, including emergency reporting.


In all situations the safety of personnel, contractors, customers and visitors is priority One.

Take The Time To Read

When an emergency occurs, you will not have time to stop and check procedures. It is important that you take the time now to read and understand the procedures summarized in this publication.


If you have questions on any of the material in this publication, please contact the Chief Emergency Warden (CEW) at extension 271 or Deputy Emergency Warden (DEW) at extension 233.

Emergency Management Organization (EMO) Mission

To ensure the availability of trained employees capable of providing rapid first response to any emergency situation that adversely affects the health and safety of our employees or our property

Emergency Response Teams

The Emergency Response Team (ERT) is an organization comprised of volunteer PSI employees, who have been trained in First Aid techniques,defibrillator,Cardio Pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Management.

In an emergency, the ERT, and Civil Authorities would all interact as required to resolve the situation.

Responsibility During Emergencies

It is the responsibility of the Chief Emergency Warden (CEW) or Deputy Emergency Warden (DEW) to assume command and control over the emergency scene, and to provide direction to those involved at the scene.


emer-gen-cy \i-mer-jen-se\ n 1: an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action

An emergency is an incident which could pose serious adverse effects to the health or safety of employees, the public, or to property. This incident may be the result of an accident; process upset; fire; explosion (including bomb threat) or unexplained release of contaminants; natural disaster, such as tornado, earthquake or flood; or other external factors, including accidental chemical release from neighboring facilities.

In the event of an emergency, call the CEW at 271, or DEW at 233. If there is no response, dial 911.

And be prepared to provide:

  • Your location (site, building, floor and office number).
  • Your “call back” extension.
  • Your name and the nature of the emergency.

Be Prepared

Take time now to prepare for an emergency. It could save your life, and the lives of your associates and customers.

Emergency Personnel

Know how to notify the Emergency Management Organization (EMO) of an emergency situation.

Identify Hazards

Know what hazards are in or near your workplace. Take practical measures to minimize them. If you are unsure, contact your manager or supervisor.

Good Housekeeping

Practice good housekeeping. Most emergencies are the result of, or are compounded by, poor housekeeping.

Emergency Equipment

Know the location of, and how to use emergency equipment - pull stations / extinguishers


Know your evacuation procedures and routes. (you should know at least 2 ways out of your building). Know the alarm sounds in your building.

In Summary

Read and understand emergency procedures where you work.

Medical Emergencies

Medical Emergencies

Call the CEW at 271, or DEW at 233 for assistance. If there is no response, call 911.

Advise of the nature of the injury/illness and location (site, building, floor) of the casualty.

Provide First Aid If Qualified

Prioritize as Follows:

  • Ensure safety of yourself and casualty.
  • Ensure airway is clear.
  • Ensure casualty is breathing.
  • Ensure circulation.
  • Control bleeding.
  • Treat for shock.

Lifesaving Steps

If a trained first aider is not available, follow these lifesaving steps:

Protect yourself against hazards.

Remain calm and think before you act.

Start Breathing
  • Gently tilt the head back to open the airway.
  • Pinch the nose closed & give 2 slow, full breaths.
  • Watch the chest rise & fall during each breath.
  • Check carotid pulse.
  • Begin CPR as instructed.
  • Continue breathing into casualty once every 5 seconds.
Stop Bleeding
  • Apply dressing and direct pressure to the wound.
  • Place casualty in a comfortable position.
  • If possible, elevate the wound.
  • Apply additional dressings as required, DO NOT remove blood-soaked dressings.
Treat for Shock
  • Keep casualty warm.
  • Elevate legs slightly.
  • Ask “Are you choking?”.
  • If casualty unable to respond, give 6-10 abdominal thrusts.
  • Repeat until obstruction clears.
Chest Pains
  • Place casualty in semi-sitting position.
  • Loosen restrictive clothing.
  • Reassure casualty.
  • Monitor breathing, pulse & other vital signs.

Workplace Violence

If you have been threatened or physically assaulted, call The CEW at 271 or DEW at 233

Call 911
  • Move yourself and others to a safe location.
  • If possible, lock the door.
  • Advise of the nature of the assault or threat and your location (site, building, floor).
Provide with the following
  • Do you require medical attention?
  • Is the person who assaulted you still there?
  • Was a weapon used? What type?
  • Nature of threat.

If you have been harassed (physically or sexually), bullied, intimidated or any form of psychological violence:

Report Immediately to your Supervisor, and/or Senior Management

Fire Safety

If you discover a fire

  • Raise the alarm.
  • Notify other personnel in the immediate area.
  • Call 911 (use the nearest safe telephone or cellular phone).
  • Close all doors behind you.
  • Leave the facility by the nearest safe exit.
  • Proceed to your assembly area and report to your manager/supervisor.
  • Stand by until further instructions are received.

If you encounter smoke

  • Raise the alarm.
  • Crouch low to the floor and take shallow breaths.
  • If possible, place a moist cloth over your nose and mouth.
  • Proceed to the nearest safe exit.

The sound of the evacuation alarm “Siren” tone will sound.

Call the CEW at 271, or the DEW at 233 if you are unsure of the sound of the evacuation alarm tone in your building.

Upon Hearing the Evacuation Alarm

  • Remain calm.
  • Leave the facility promptly using the nearest safe exit.
  • Ensure all doors are closed behind you.
  • Proceed to the assembly area and report to your manager.
  • Stand by for further instructions.

Physically challenged persons

  • Call the CEW at 271 and/or the DEW at 233, and report your location. Assistance will be rendered immediately.

All managers/supervisors are responsible for identifying evacuation routes for their direct reports, contractors and visitors, and for ensuring that they are instructed on site emergency procedures.

Bomb Threats

With the number of outside-accessible phone lines at PSI, it is possible that any employee may receive a bomb threat. If you receive a bomb threat, it is important to obtain as much information as possible from the caller in order that appropriate actions may be taken.

Treat Seriously

Although 99% of bomb threats turn out to be hoaxes, any employee receiving a bomb threat shall treat the threat as serious, and promptly report the threat to your manager/supervisor and/or the safety coordinator.

Upon Receipt of a Bomb Threat:

Ask questions such as:

  • Where is the bomb?
  • When will the bomb explode?
  • What does it look like?
  • Why did you place the bomb?

Take Notes

Take detailed notes on everything said. Include information about background noise, the caller’s voice, gender, accent and emotional state.

Record Calling #

Record the calling number if you are using a display phone.

Notify Management, or CEW at 271, or DEW at 233

Do not discuss with non-essential personnel.


Upon evaluation of the threat, emergency response personnel will determine whether any evacuation is required.


You may be requested to search your own work area, as you know the space better than anyone else.

What to Search For

Anything unusual such as:

  • packages, bags, boxes
  • briefcases
  • suitcases
  • purses
  • pieces of pipe
  • books

Do Not Touch Any Suspicious Object

Notify your manager/supervisor immediately upon discovery of a suspicious object.



Prepare in Advance

Take the time to survey your work area. Identify your primary and alternate exits and routes to reach these exits. It is the manager’s responsibility to review with each employee workplace hazards, evacuation routes and assembly areas.

When to Evacuate

  • Upon hearing the evacuation alarm.
  • Upon receiving direction from the Public Address System (at sites where this applies).
  • At the direction of Fire Wardens.
  • When an obvious life-threatening emergency is evident.

Evacuation Procedures and Routes

  • Upon being notified to evacuate, and only if it is safe to do so, your work area should be secured by turning off electrical equipment to safeguard information and equipment.
  • Walk, DO NOT RUN, to your predetermined primary or alternate exit.
  • Use handrails in stairwells and keep to the right, (left side of stairwell will be used by emergency personnel).
  • DO NOT push or crowd.
  • DO NOT detour to collect personal belongings.
  • DO NOT block roadways, walkways or entrances.
  • DO NOT re-enter the facility until the all-clear is announced.
  • Remain on company property unless otherwise notified.

Fire Warden Teams

Upon being notified of an evacuation, and while proceeding to your exit, ensure others in your area are aware of the evacuation and are also exiting. Assist anyone who may require help and report any irregular observations to the CEW or DEW who will “sweep” the building to ensure all persons have evacuated the building.

Assembly Area

Upon exiting the facility, proceed to the designated assembly area. If possible, employees should report to their supervisor or manager, and stay together. If someone is unaccounted for, report this to the nearest Emergency Response Team personnel.

Evacuation Plan

(Tap/click image for larger PDF version)

Evacuation plan

Contact List

Contact Extension
Health & Safety Coordinator x271 / +1 (519) 995-6649
Emergency Management Organization x271 / +1 (519) 995-6649
Accident/Incident Reporting x271 / +1 (519) 995-6649
Chief Emergency Warden x271 / +1 (519) 995-6649
Deputy Emergency Warden x233 / +1 (519) 890 8462
First Aider x233 / +1 (519) 890 8462

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